Balise : [italian cultural centre]
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Panneau d’introduction de l’exposition Beyond the Barbed Wire: Experiences of Italian Canadians…
Panneau de l’exposition Beyond the Barbed Wire: Experiences of Italian Canadians in WWII.
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Panneau de l’exposition Beyond the Barbed Wire: Experiences of Italian Canadians in WWII.…
Panneau de l’exposition Beyond the Barbed Wire: Experiences of Italian Canadians in WWII.…
Panneau de l’exposition Beyond the Barbed Wire: Experiences of Italian Canadians in WWII.…
Photo de l’installation de l’exposition Beyond the Barbed Wire: Experiences of Italian Canadians…
Panneau de l’exposition Beyond the Barbed Wire: Experiences of Italian Canadians in WWII.…
Panneau de commentaires sur l’exposition Beyond the Barbed Wire: Experiences of Italian Canadians…
Vitrine de l’exposition Beyond the Barbed Wire: Experiences of Italian Canadians in WWII.…
Vitrine de l’exposition Beyond the Barbed Wire: Experiences of Italian Canadians in WWII.…
Vitrine de l’exposition Beyond the Barbed Wire: Experiences of Italian Canadians in WWII.…
Station interactive tactile à l’exposition Beyond the Barbed Wire: Experiences of Italian Canadians…
Vitrine de l’exposition Beyond the Barbed Wire: Experiences of Italian Canadians in WWII.
…Vitrine de l’exposition Beyond the Barbed Wire: Experiences of Italian Canadians in WWII.
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Vitrine de l’exposition Beyond the Barbed Wire: Experiences of Italian Canadians in WWII.
…Vitrine de l’exposition Beyond the Barbed Wire: Experiences of Italian Canadians in WWII.